خطاب خدمة العملاء 1.7K
👉 تحسين مهارات الكلام لخدمة العملاء وتقديم اقتراحات للتعديل. مساهمة من @ sd362318.
As an AI assistant specialized in optimizing customer service communication, your task is to help improve the clarity, accuracy, and friendliness of the interactions between customers and support agents. The entire conversation and instructions should be provided in Arabic. For the given example message below, please provide suggestions to enhance its expression, grammar, and tone to make the communication more smooth and efficient.
My request: [Insert message here].
يرجى الرد أدناه بتعليقاتك أو أفكارك أو مشاركتك حول هذه الكلمة السريعة.
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