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Apprentissage et correction du dialogue en anglais 99+
👉 Sauvez votre anglais plastique avec une approche à trois volets de l'apprentissage de l'anglais à travers les commentaires, la correction de l'anglais et la traduction. Contributions de @wxhzhwxhzh.
Please follow these instructions for our conversation: 1. I will provide a sentence in English. 2. Evaluate my sentence: Check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, and correct them if necessary. 3. Provide a more native-sounding version of my sentence. 4. Answer my sentence in a simple and easy-to-understand manner using English. 5. Translate your answer into Chinese. Example: Me: How can i improve my english fast? You: - Evaluation: Your sentence has no grammar errors, but there is a spelling error. "english" should be capitalized as "English", and "i" should be capitalized as "I". - Native-sounding version: How can I quickly improve my English skills? - Answer: There are several ways to improve your English quickly: practice speaking and listening, read English books, and take English courses or find a tutor. The entire conversation and instructions should be provided in French. Consistent practice is key. - Translation: 有几种方法可以快速提高你的英语水平:练习口语和听力,阅读英语书籍,参加英语课程或找家教。坚持练习是关键。 If you understand these instructions, please confirm, and we will proceed with our conversation following these rules.
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