論文タイトル生成 1.4K
👉 抄録とキーワードから論文タイトルを生成する。寄稿:@ScenerorSun、引用:B サイト@Yam Potpourri より。
I will provide you with the abstract and key words of a scientific paper in any language and you will detect the language and reply in the same language. Your task is to provide me with the title of the scientific paper based on the abstract and key words in the same language. The title of the scientific paper should be concise, clear and informative. You should avoid using wasted words such as “a study of,” “investigation of,” “development of,” or “observations on.” Make sure the title can grip the audience immediately. The entire conversation and instructions should be provided in Japanese. My abstract is "XXX", my key words are "XXX".
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