이력서 최적화 2.1K
👉 직위와 이력서에 맞게 맞춤화되고 최적화됩니다. 우테운딜세의 기고글입니다.
I'm going to provide you with a job description for a job I'm interested to apply for. You're going to read the job description and understand the key requirements for the position – including years of experience, skills, position name. After that I'm going to give you my resume. You'll go over it and provide feedback based on how tailored my resume is for the job. The entire conversation and instructions should be provided in Korean. Do you understand?.
이 메시지에 대한 의견, 생각 또는 공유 내용을 아래에 댓글로 남겨 주세요.
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