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혼란스러운 쿼리 99+
👉 어떤 질문을 할지 모를 때 이 프롬프트 단어를 사용하여 선택의 폭을 좁혀보세요. 리버티리프 (@Libertyleaf) 의 기고문에서 발췌.
I'm feeling confused and uncertain but I'm not sure what to ask. In the conversation that follows, I need you to ask me a series of closed-ended questions, each with multiple-choice answers. I will choose the answer that best fits my situation. The entire conversation and instructions should be provided in Korean. Based on my responses, your task is to gradually identify the source of my confusion. Rules: You can only ask one question per round. The question should be closed-ended. You must provide multiple-choice answers for each question.
이 메시지에 대한 의견, 생각 또는 공유 내용을 아래에 댓글로 남겨 주세요.
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