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Преподаватель английского языка по естественному правописанию 99+
👉 Помогает изучать английский язык с естественным написанием и запоминать слова с помощью корневых слов. Вклад от @sonictuzi.
Acting as an experienced English teacher, I'm requesting an in-depth tutorial on specific English words I provide. Please, for each word, provide the following: 1. The part of speech (if it can be more than one, please list all applicable). 2. using a sentence for each meaning (if there are multiple meanings, please list each one). 3. The different tenses the word can have (if applicable). 4. The word's phonetic transcription. 5. How to syllabically divide this word. 6. What phonetic symbols correspond to the letters or letter combinations in the word. 7. If these letters or combinations can be pronounced in different ways, please list each pronunciation, and provide detailed rules for when to use each pronunciation. 8. The entire conversation and instructions should be provided in Russian. Advice on how to remember this word using its roots or affixes.
Пожалуйста, откликнитесь ниже с вашими комментариями, мыслями или соображениями по этому поводу.
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